Sweet potato pizza

There’s a pizza place in Rome, right on Largo Argentina, with no charm at all, that makes a potato pizza with truffle butter which must be tasted to be believed.

So tonight the mandoline I got for my birthday came in handy for slicing sweet potato nice and thin. Brushed with good olive oil and overlapped on thinly rolled dough, then topped with a layer of equally thin onion, celtic salt, pepper, fresh rosemary from the tenacious plant still hanging on in the dining room, and a drizzle of truffle oil. Crispy, chewy, sweet, salty, earthy, and awesome. Steamed kale with cider vinegar on the side. Another Siduri 2004 pinot got fatter and rounder as the evening progressed.

I made some ratatouille again, with some variations, a few nights ago, and the next night I puréed the leftovers plus a handful of pine nuts. Steamed half a butternut squash, puréed, added 2 eggs and some flour, and cooked it into crêpes. Rolled the eggplant filling into the squash crêpes and baked with a simple tomato sauce on top like cannelloni. We had a few rinds left over from cheese bought for a cocktail party, and I grated that on top to finish. We had it with the 2004 Las Rocas old vine grenache which for the money is mighty yummy.

The remaining filling became little fritters for Milo. (He loved them.)
